Starscream is my all-time favourite TF character,
as well as one of my personal heroes.

Here's my humble little tribute to a Decepticon who has
been (for better or worse!) a formative influence on my life.
So far, I've included some art, a few choice Screamer links,
and some of my thoughts about Starscream. I hope to have
more stuff in the future, but for now... Check it out.

[ Starscream art | Starscream links | Starscream thoughts ]

You are seeker numberto brave the cursed door.

(plus about 20 other hits that went AWOL when FC upgraded...)

[Return me to Spitfire's Domain]

Transformers and all likenesses are property of Marvel, Hasbro & Kenner, and Takara.
This site is for entertainment purposes only, not for profit - please don't sue me!